Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Thank you for your contribution to Democratic Action!

Here's a receipt for your $5.00 contribution. Create an ActBlue Express account to view your contribution history.

Thank you for your one-time contribution to Democratic Action!
Together we're changing our country.

A message from Democratic Action

Thank you for your contribution to the DGA! 

In 2022, Democratic governors made history and defied expectations, winning 18 races and strengthening our blue firewall from coast to coast. Democratic governors are our best (and last) line of defense against the GOP's extremism – but with abortion access, voting rights, and the future of our democracy at risk, we can't let up the fight. 

With eleven governors' races on the ballot in 2024, Democrats will be defending hard-won offices in states that Trump carried in 2020. We can only fend off GOP challenges and hold our blue firewall in 2023 if grassroots donors like you invest in our Democratic candidates. Thank you for taking that step today.

Please like the DGA on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok to stay up to date on our campaigns and learn about how our Democratic governors are enacting concrete, positive change across the country. Thank you for standing strong with us.


Team DGA

Total Contribution
One-time Contribution
Democratic Action
Total Charged $5.00
Name: Harris Shilakowsky
Order Date: 7/31/2024
Order Number: AB300037656
Payment Type: PayPal (
Billing Zip: 02136

This transaction will appear as one or more charges to ACTBLUE*DEMOCRATIC.ACTION in your PayPal account.

paypal You will receive a separate receipt from PayPal for this donation.

Unsure about this charge?
Keep the momentum going, Harris!
Increase your impact by turning your one-time contribution into a monthly recurring contribution.

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Paid for by ActBlue ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to ActBlue are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Contributions to Democratic Action are subject to the source prohibitions and amount limitations of federal law. Democratic Action may accept up to $5,000 per year from individuals and other federally permissible sources. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, foreign nationals, and other federally prohibited sources will not be accepted. Individuals/Federal PACs: You may contribute up to $5,000 per calendar year to Democratic Action federal PAC. You may contribute an unlimited amount to DGA's nonfederal account. By donating here, you agree that the first $5,000 of your contribution will be deposited in the Democratic Action federal PAC and anything in excess of that amount will be transferred to DGA's nonfederal account. You may also designate a different allocation formula to DGA. You also agree that this allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution to the federal PAC. You may request a refund of the amount transferred to the nonfederal account in lieu of the transfer.

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