Click here to unsubscribe. Harris, this is pressing. For one of the FIRST times since the election, Tim Walz is breaking his silence and speaking out: Harris, this is the most DIRE warning we've ever seen from a Democrat like Tim Walz. We cannot stand around and do nothing. Our generous Democrats know that Tim Walz is 100% right – so they've agreed to unlock their 500% MATCH before midnight. If you chip in now, your $6 will have QUINTUPLE the impact in helping us STOP Trump and Musk, and RECLAIM our House Majority. Please, we cannot let Republicans drag our country toward a dictatorship – not now, not ever. Will you please step up and rush a 500% MATCHED $6 before midnight to flip the House and stop Donald Trump and Republicans from tearing apart our Constitution? >> Harris, Tim Walz just spoke out and called EVERY Democrat to action. He knows that our ONLY hope of defeating Donald Trump and saving America from his terrifying vision is grassroots Democrats like you. So we're backing him up and calling on every Democracy supporter to put their money where their mouth is before it's TOO LATE. Please, Harris: This moment is so critical that Democrats agreed to 500% MATCH every donation to this email – but only if it hits our account before midnight. We don't know when we'll get another chance like this one. So we're asking one final time if you'll chip in a 500% MATCHED $6 – or whatever you can spare – to stop Trump's fascist dreams in their tracks and FLIP the House blue for good! >> Thank you, House Majority PAC | | | | Consistent with federal law, HMP makes its federal contributions from one account (the "Contribution Account") and engages in the rest of its political activity from the other account (the "Non-Contribution Account"). You may contribute up to $5,000 per calendar year to HMP's Contribution Account. You may contribute an unlimited amount to HMP's Non-Contribution Account. By donating through this email, you agree that the first $5,000 of your contribution will be deposited in HMP's Contribution Account and the remainder in HMP's Non-Contribution Account. You may also designate a different allocation formula below. You also agree that this allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution to the Contribution Account. Corporations/Labor Organizations: You may contribute an unlimited amount to HMP's Non-Contribution Account. You may not contribute to HMP's Contribution Account. Contributions or gifts to HMP are not tax-deductible. Paid for by HMP, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. | Thank you for being a committed supporter of HMP. We're working every day to defeat extremist Republicans and take back our Democratic Majority. | HMP 700 13th St. NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 United States | | |
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