Dear Harris,
Donald Trump is at it again – trying to rig the system for his billionaire buddies by gutting the IRS and letting the ultra-rich dodge taxes.
With IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel stepping down, Trump is pushing Billy Long, a crony who has sought to decommission the IRS for years, for the job. Long wants to end the income tax altogether, kill the new free Direct File program, and hand out free passes to wealthy tax cheats.
We already know what happens when the IRS is weak: the rich get richer, and working people get squeezed. Under Trump, IRS audits of millionaires plummeted by 92%, while everyday Americans were hit with greater scrutiny. The message was clear: if you wanted to cheat on your taxes, you could get away with it if you're ultra-rich.
Under President Biden, that tide started to turn. The IRS recovered $1.3 billion from millionaire tax cheats, audited 60 giant corporations (bringing in over $500 billion), and demanded that Microsoft pay $29 billion in overdue taxes. The IRS also launched a free online tax filing system and improved its customer service with shorter call times.
Now, Trump and Billy Long want to undo all of it.
Send a direct message to the Senate: Block the nomination of Billy Long for IRS Commissioner and protect tax fairness now!
Long's track record says it all.
As a congressman, he tried three times to abolish the IRS and replace all income and payroll taxes with a regressive 30% national sales tax – hitting working Americans hard with jacked-up prices on food, housing, and healthcare, while billionaires get to build their fortunes tax-free.
After leaving office, Long cashed in on a fraud-ridden tax credit scheme, profiting off pandemic relief funds while Americans struggled to make ends meet. And now Trump wants him in charge of the agency he tried three times to destroy.
If confirmed, Long will cripple tax enforcement, gut IRS reforms, and make sure billionaires never pay what they owe. This nomination leaves the Senate with a clear choice: stand up for working people, or roll over for the rich.
Send a message to the Senate now: Reject Billy Long and stop Trump's planned destruction of the IRS!
Thank you for standing up for tax fairness.
Robert Reich
Inequality Media Civic Action
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