Dear Harris,
The so-called National Right to Work Act is a direct attack on workers.
In my career fighting for working people, including my time as U.S. Secretary of Labor, I've seen firsthand how so-called "Right to Work" laws weaken unions, suppress wages, and strip workers of their power. Now, Trump and his allies in Congress are pushing the most dangerous version yet: the National Right to Work Act.
Republicans in power at the state level waste no time passing these deceptively named "Right to Work" laws. But these laws aren't about protecting workers' rights. They're actually intended to do the exact opposite: destroy unions and hand more power to corporations.
Now, with Donald Trump back in the White House and Republicans running Congress, they're trying to do the same thing nationwide. Senator Rand Paul and Representative Joe Wilson have reintroduced the National Right to Work Act.
This Trojan horse of a bill is actually designed to cripple unions. Forced to represent workers who don't contribute dues, unions are weakened in their ability to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions for all workers, leaving working people defenseless against corporate greed.
Ultimately, workers get the "right to work" in unsafe work environments, with inadequate pay, sparse benefits, and without the ability to negotiate collectively for improved conditions.
Make no mistake: this is a direct response to the recent success of unionized workers – from Amazon and Starbucks to the Big Three automakers. While workers are winning better wages and working conditions, this legislation intends to strip workers of the power to stand up together to demand these improvements.
Stand up against this injustice today. Demand that your representatives oppose this anti-worker bill and fight for the rights and dignity of working people.
As Labor Secretary, I've seen the devastating impact of these laws. In states that have passed Right to Work laws, wages are lower by an average of $1,500 per year, health benefits are weaker, workplace injuries and fatalities are more common, and union membership is nearly cut in half – just 5.2%, compared to 10% in states without these laws.
The real beneficiaries of these laws are the billion-dollar corporations that pocket the wage increases while workers suffer. Strong unions, on the other hand, lead to benefits for all workers. They set higher standards for wages, benefits, and safety regulations across entire industries. That's why big corporations and their allies in Congress are working so hard to tear them down.
At this time, 25 states have already passed these anti-worker laws. If this bill becomes law, every worker in America will be affected. Instead of expanding this corporate giveaway, we should be fighting to strengthen collective bargaining rights and restore power to working people.
Workers built this country. They deserve fair wages, safe workplaces, and the right to organize. If we don't act now, Republicans will succeed in gutting workers' rights nationwide.
Tell Congress: Reject the National Right to Work Act now!
Thank you for standing in solidarity with America's workers.
Robert Reich
Inequality Media Civic Action
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