Harris - This is SUCH a hard email to write:
Despite URGENT warnings about Donald Trump from Jen Psaki, Michelle Obama, Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, Hillary Clinton… Donald Trump is back in office…
So we need to renew 1,000 Massachusetts Trump Resistance Memberships in the next 2 hours before our HUGE deadline at midnight TONIGHT, or we won't have the resources to FIGHT back every day he's in office. But almost NO ONE - YES, NO ONE - has stepped up and donated to renew their membership before our CRITICAL deadline TONIGHT!>> Harris -- if we miss this critical deadline, we won't have the resources necessary to STOP all the horrible things Trump will try to do. We're TOAST. Trump RUINS everything we worked so hard for.
We need ALL HANDS ON DECK to turn this thing around. So we're BEGGING everyone to renew their Trump Resistance Membership before our critical deadline at midnight. The BEST way to kick off his second term would be to HUMILIATE him with a WAVE of membership renewals to show him just how much we DISAPPROVE of his presidency already! We even launched a 200%-MATCH on all renewals today because it's THAT. SERIOUS. PLEASE: Don't do ANYTHING until you rush $5 to renew your Trump Resistance Membership! >> MEMBERSHIP STATUS FOR HARRIS | | You have NOT renewed your Trump Resistance Membership | ✅ 200%-MATCH UNLOCKED | Harris - Donald Trump doesn't care about women's rights.
He doesn't care about reproductive rights.
And he doesn't care about LGBTQ+ rights.
It makes us SICK. Chip in $5 now [200%-MATCHED] to renew your Trump Resistance Membership and FIGHT BACK against Trump & his administration! >> Elect Democratic Women |
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