Congress votes for war and then cashes in. Between 2019 and 2021, nearly 100 members of Congress or their immediate family members traded stocks in weapons contractors. Twenty-five of them sat on committees responsible for shaping national security policy while doing so.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib is taking them on with the Stop Politicians Profiting from War Act legislation that would finally ban members of Congress, their spouses, and their children from owning or trading stock in defense contractors.
Each year, Congress rubber stamps nearly a trillion-dollar military budget, pouring hundreds of billions into the Pentagon, and half of that cash goes directly to private military corporations. What incentive do lawmakers have to oppose war, waste, or weapons when they're literally invested in the outcome?
The American people deserve leaders who are invested in peace, not war profiteering. Rashida Tlaib is leading the charge. It's time we had her back.
Show your support for Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Stop Politicians Profiting from War Act to ban members of Congress from profiting off of endless war.
We've seen what happens when power and profit drive U.S. foreign policy. Communities abroad are decimated, diplomacy is sidelined, and taxpayers are stuck footing the bill for death and destruction.
Predictably, the war-hawks and defense lobbyists are already whispering in the ears of politicians to bury this legislation. They want it to die in committee. They want it to vanish quietly, so they can keep profiting off forever wars without scrutiny. We're not going to let that happen.
Lawmakers are public servants, not private investors. You cannot serve the public and profit from policies that lead to war, death, and destruction. Full stop.
Join us in demanding a Congress that works for peace, not profit. support for the Stop Politicians Profiting from War Act.
Let's work to make sure Congress serves the people, not the war machine.
Rick Weiland, Founder
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