The 2026 elections may seem too far away to start thinking about, but if we're going to mount major challenges to corporate, out-of-touch Democrats in primaries across the country and achieve big wins for working-class people nationwide, we've got to start preparing now.
That's exactly why we launched our 2026 Candidate Recruitment Fund this week. It's never too early to start building the resources we'll need to go up against the massive, corporate- and billionaire-fueled war chests of our opponents.
Every contribution makes a difference in helping us reach our $100,000 goal by February 1 so we can bring on another staff member to focus on new candidates we recruit. But what will make an even bigger impact is a small, monthly donation to support us for the long haul. A little truly goes a long way.
A recurring contribution of $5, $10, or whatever you can afford will create long-term sustainability and help us better plan our budget as we carry out our crucial work over the next two years to Election Day 2026.
I can't thank you enough for anything you're able to contribute to our fight to transform the Democratic Party and build working-class people's power in Congress.
In solidarity,
Alexandra Rojas
Executive Director

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